Lockdown is upon us which means which means that dental practises all round the country has been asked to close their doors for both routine treatments and, more worryingly, dental emergencies.
Those of us with severe toothache have been left to cope alone, unless of course you have severe pain, facial swelling or are feeling increasingly ill, then you can visit your A&E. But what about the rest of us, that might be suffering but are scared to visit a hospital?
Well, we consulted Dr Safa Al-Naher, clinical lead at Care Dental, who has identified there treatments that we can still carry out at home. Here are her top tips:
Severe pain: Call your dentist who should be able to diagnose the reason, and arrange antibiotics or stronger pain killers. You can take a combination of 2 x 500mg paracetamol and 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen (Ibuprofen should only be taken if not exhibiting COVID symptoms, and you don’t suffer from stomach problems)…